Pinery Pride Meeting 2020-03-26



6:00pm to 7:30pm

Pinery Pride Meeting for 2020-03-26

We are going to postpone this event for a later date! We will announce the new date as soon as possible though. 

Please feel free to ask any questions in the meantime. 

This is an event you wont want to miss! 


Email Kristy at



As most of you saw in the December End-Of-The-Year letter, for the New Year,
we are working alongside the Board of Advisers to host multiple Pinery Pride meetings with the Pinery Membership.
In an effort to provide further clarity and information about Pinery Pride, we are host mulitple meeting dates, including this evenings.  The Meeting will include Pinery Pride Overview, Introductions of the Board of Advisers and key Staff, and goals for the program for this year.
These meetings will be limited to 35-45 members and we do request reservations for the meetings. 
We encourage members to bring their fellow members to the meetings as well. 
We are excited to continue to drive this program for the benefit of all Members.  
Reserve your seat below.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Kristy at

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