Naughty Bingo 2020-09-25



Naughty Bingo for 2020-09-25

Looking for something different to do? Reserve your spot for Naughty Bingo today! 
'Naughty' prizes for every round
Bring your friends, or make some new ones.
Don't miss this fun night of drinks, games and prizes!
Free naughty-themed shot for each player upon the first "O69" called! 
$3 Shots | Drink Specials | Free to play
Join us in the Pinery Tent starting at 7pm.  Food and drinks will be available to order while you play! 
Dobbers and sheets will be provided!
This event is reserved for 21+ and registration is required.
Space is limited so sign up today and don't miss this event!
Register on the Foretees Club Event Page or email Kristy at 

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